Release Notes

10 years 8 months ago - 10 years 7 months ago #83 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
2.1.0 b1
- NEW: Terms database is now saved within the LanguageSource and not a separated Language Files
- NEW: The selected language is now saved to the PlayerPrefs into "I2 Language"
- NEW: The auto-enable Plugins will set the Script Define Symbols for ALL platforms (IOS,Android,Web,etc)
- NEW: Localize Component: creating a key shows a list of terms as you type and their usage
- NEW: Localize Component: when changing the translation of a term shows a preview in the target (label/etc)
- NEW: Localize Component: When selecting a Term, the list can be filtered with the Create Term string
- NEW: Localize Component: The Terms List is now sorted Case Insensitive
- NEW: Localize Component: There is now a button to quickly rename a Term in the current scene
- NEW: Localize Component: The textField that's used for create a key now has a clear button to easy editing
- NEW: If a term is not found when localizing a target, the object is left untouched (Previously labels got empty)
- DEL: Removing the Editor Database used to cache the Language Files because all the info is now in the LanguageSource
- FIX: Selecting the CSV file to export will now allow you to create a new file
- FIX: Added a message to explain when exporting fails because the file is Read-Only or its open in other program
- FIX: When exporting to a file inside the project, the "Assets/" section was been skipped
- FIX: Import and Export CSV files now also works on when the editor is set to Web Player
- FIX: Exporting CSV now uses UTF8 encoding to keep special characters
- FIX: Localize Component: The "Open Source" button now selects the Primary or Secondary term based on the selected tab
- FIX: Terms are now trimmed because spaces at the end/beginning can lead to confusions
- FIX: The list of terms was not showing correctly when selecting MISSING but unselecting USED
- FIX: Device language was not properly selected when the supported language had a region defined in the name

2.1.0 b2
- FIX: W8P and Metro compatibility
- FIX: Compiler warnings

2.1.0 b3
- NEW: The plugin is now compatible with Unity 5 (up to alpha 11)
- NEW: Register a function in the event LocalizationManager.OnLocalizeEvent to get called when the language changes
- FIX: Updated the example scenes to use the new Language Sources
- FIX: Terms are now saved correctly after importing a CSV or a Google Spreadsheet
- FIX: Allowed methods with one argument to be used as Localization CallBacks
- FIX: SelectNoLocalizedLabels was running every frame after executed
- DEL: Removed button to select CSV file. Now the Import and Export buttons display the open/save dialog

2.1.0 f1
- NEW: After importing CSV or Google Spreadsheets, the category filter is set to show every term
- NEW: Terms list is now fully expanded on the Language Source
- NEW: Localize Component now has an Option to convert to (Upper, Lower, DontModify) the translations
- FIX: Validations for when importing Spreadsheets with empty columns/languages

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Last edit: 10 years 7 months ago by Frank.
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10 years 6 months ago #184 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
2.2.0 b1
- NEW: Added support for TextMeshPro

- NEW: Terms can now have category and subcategories (e.g. Tutorials/Tutorial1/Startup/Title)

- FIX: NGUI is now detected by looking for the NGUIDebug class instead of UIPanel

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10 years 5 months ago #248 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
2.2.1 b1
- NEW: Daikon Forge labels are now be able localize dynamic and bitmap fonts
- NEW: Improved Language Recognition. It will now fallback to any region of the same Language
- NEW: Right To Left text rendering example scene

- NEW: UI.RawImage Localization
- FIX: Detection of Unity UI (updated to 4.6)
- FIX: UI.Sprite Localization
- FIX: Up and Down arrows on the Languages list was not ordering the languages
- FIX: Unity UI example scene now uses the 4.6 UI classes
- FIX: Right To Left languages was not detected because the language code wasn't being applied

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10 years 4 months ago - 10 years 2 months ago #284 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
- NEW: Google Synchronization now uses a Web Service to avoid using the username/password
- NEW: When playing (even on a device) the game will download the latest changes to the spreadsheet

- NEW: Added support for both the "Classic" and new Google Spreadsheets
- NEW: Button to create a new spreadsheet
- NEW: Importing/Exporting to Google is now an Async operation that doesn't lock the editor and can be canceled
- NEW: Next to the Google Spreadsheet Key there is now a button to open it in the browser
- NEW: Google Import/Export tab will be the default (instead of local file) whenever a spreadsheet Key is set
- NEW: Import/Export can now be set to Replace all Terms, Merge or only add the New Terms

- NEW: A warning is now shown when using a LanguageSource other than the recommended I2Languages.prefab
- NEW: Menu option to open the Global Source I2Languages.prefab (Menu : Tools/I2/Localization/Open GLobal Source)

- NEW: Google Spreadsheet now has a new format, where the description and term type are defined as notes
- NEW: The Google spreadsheet now have different colors for the first column/row and fix them for easy browsing

- FIX: When switching terms or tabs the textfields will not longer keep the previous text
- DEL: Removed support for the old NGUI TextAssets as NGUI has moved into CSV files
- DEL: Removed Google API libraries dependencies
- DEL: The spreadsheet Key is no longer needed. The web service will get all the keys and allow you to select

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Last edit: 10 years 2 months ago by Frank.
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10 years 2 months ago - 10 years 1 month ago #336 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
- NEW: Support for TextMeshPro UGUI objects
- NEW: Auto Update from google spreadsheets can now be set to ALWAYS, NEVER, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY
- NEW: Added functions to get/change the language based on the language code
- NEW: Added functions TryGetTermTranslation to both LocalizationManager and LanguageSource
- NEW: Language is now only remembered if the user changes it manually and ruled by the device language otherwise.
- FIX: The plugin is now Initialized automatically when requesting a translation or language code
- FIX: Changing the term category was not displaying correctly until the project was reopened
- FIX: Exporting to google as "Add New" was changing the order of languages
- FIX: Compile errors that prevented deploying to Windows Store
- FIX: The editor was not allowing to add language regions (e.g. English (US), English (CA))
- FIX: Auto Update Google dropdown box was not rendering correctly on all screen sizes

NOTE: Upgrading from 2.3.0 requires re-installing the WebService

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Last edit: 10 years 1 month ago by Frank.
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10 years 1 month ago #376 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
- NEW: import CSV fill autodetect if the Type or Desc columns are missing
- NEW: SpriteCollection shows now in the Type List in the editor for TK2D
- NEW: Added callback for when a language source is autodated from Google (Event_OnSourceUpdateFromGoogle)
- NEW: Increased translation lookup speed by using a fast string comparer in the dictionary
- NEW: Added a toggle in the Language Source to allow lookup the term with Case Insensitive comparison
- FIX: Terms list on the source will not longer cut off visible elements
- FIX: LoalizationManager.GetLanguageFromCode was returing the code instead of the language name
- FIX: Localization is now skipped if the Main and Secondary translations aren't changed, improving speed on some targets

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