Release Notes

8 years 8 months ago - 8 years 8 months ago #1419 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
(requires a new WebService: v4)
NEW: Localize.Term = xxx works now the same that executing Localize.SetTerm(xxx)
NEW: Added a Translate button next to each language to bulk Translate all missing terms for that language
NEW: Importing a big Spreadsheet is 20-70 times faster than before
NEW: Tool to find which characters are used in the languages (useful to create bitmap fonts)
NEW: Adding a term to a Language source without languages, will automatically create "English"
NEW: NGUI and TextMeshPro example scenes now also show changing Fonts based on the language
NEW: Viewing a big LanguageSource is now smoother even when seeing several thousands terms.
NEW: Added a dropdown menu to select the File Encoding (UTF8, ANSI, etc) of the local CSV file
NEW: Use of the WebService to get the Google Translations (previously it was a hack that parsed the google web but failed whenever google changed their look)
FIX: Translating Terms was skipping the first 2 letters
FIX: Translating text with Title Case (This Is An Example) was failing with google
FIX: Translation using Term Category (Tutorial/New Example)
FIX: Removed delay when selecting languageSources caused by the parsing of terms in scripts, now scripts are only parsed when using the Parse Scripts Tool
FIX: TextMeshPro labels will auto-size correctly when switching languages
FIX: 2D Toolkit example scene was corruptedLoca
FIX: localizeComponent: Button "Add term to Source" for a secondary Term will add the term to the source containing the primary term.
FIX: Selecting "None" as a referenced object will no longer produce a null reference exception
FIX: Errors reporting that DontDestroyOnLoad can only be called in Play mode
FIX: Errors when some referenced asset was destroyed and the plugin tried to release it

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Last edit: 8 years 8 months ago by Frank.
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8 years 7 months ago #1533 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
NEW: Allow multiple Localize component in the same object
NEW: TextMesh Pro localization when changing material (e.g. "ARIAL SDF - Outline") will now also find and use the corresponding font (e.g. "ARIAL SDF")
NEW: Added a Delay to the Auto-update from Google to wait some time before updating. To prevent a lag on startup
NEW: Exporting to a spreadsheet will sort the terms
FIX: Empty languages can not longer be added by clicking the "Add" button
FIX: Columns with empty language name in Google Spreadsheet or CSV files are now skipped
FIX: Sometimes when playing in the Devices, I2 Localization was using old localization data from PlayerPrefs
FIX: Google Live Synchronization was not detecting correctly the Spreadsheet changes
FIX: Removed a debug log that was printing the entire content of the downloaded spreadsheet, making the log file hard to read
FIX: Removing a Term from the LanguageSource was still displaying it in the Terms List even though they werent there anymore
FIX: Compile warning related missing BuildTargetGroups when detecting installed Plugins
FIX: Translation of UPPERCASE texts are now handled correctly
FIX: Categories/terms matching part of another category will export correctly (e.g. TUTORIAL and TUTORIAL1\Welcome)
FIX: I2 About Window will not longer be shown when doing a build or when in batch-mode

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8 years 5 months ago #1603 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
NEW: SpriteRenderer can now be localized

NEW: Translations can have Parameters (e.g. "The winner is {[WINNER]}") and at runtime the tag is replaced by its value by using a local or global parameter
NEW: Local parameters can be set by adding a LocalizationParamsManager component to the gameObject, and it has a list of parameters (i.e. <Name, Value> pairs)
NEW: Global parameters can be set by adding a ILocalizationParamsManager class to the LocalizationManager.ParamsManager list
NEW: Example Scene named "Callbacks and Parameters" showing how to modify the translations using Callbacks, Local Parameters and Global Parameters

NEW: Unity UI Dropdowns can be localized by adding the LocalizeDropdown component
NEW: Localized objects (Textures, sprites) can now be loaded from a bundled by registering a ResourceManager_Bundles (see RegisterBundlesManager.cs example)
NEW: ScriptLocalization.Get(term) will now automatically fix it for RTL if the current language is Right-To-Left (use .Get(term, false) to avoid that)
NEW: Parse Terms in Scripts will now match terms in the form "LocalizationManager.GetTermTranslation" as well as "ScriptLocalization.Get"
NEW: ScriptLocalization.cs is now autogenerated to avoid overriding existing localizations. That file is also now moved into the Assets\I2 folder
NEW: Localize component now has a toogle "Force Localize" that should be true when the translation has parameters to force the localization when the object is enabled

FIX: Right-To-Left texts will now correctly handle ritch-text tags (e.g. <color=red>..</color> and [FF0000]..[-], etc)
FIX: Expanding/Collapsing the Terms, References or OnLocalize Callback in the Localize component is now remembered
FIX: Changing <none> in the terms selection list by <inferred from text> as that's more understandable
FIX: Selecting <inferred from text> from the list of term will use the Inferred one.
FIX: Selected Term is now drawn in a light Yellow when it is inferred (previously was dark yellow and wasn't as visible in the Editor Light Theme)
FIX: Renamed button at the bottom of the terms description to make it more understandable. From "Merge" to "Rename".
FIX: When clicking that Merge button, the current term is automatically selected as the term to rename
FIX: Exporting a csv file with auto-translated terms containing (,) was generating extra columns with "[i2auto]".

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8 years 4 months ago - 8 years 4 months ago #1670 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
2.6.8 a5

NEW: When a term is not defined for some language, it can be set to display (Empty, Fallback or a Warning) The setting is in I2Languages.prefab Language Tab

FIX: Right-To-Left languages will not adjust the alignment if the original alignment was CENTER
FIX: 2DToolkit now allows adjusting the alignment if the language is RTL

FIX: Add/Remove language was not marking the LanguageSource as dirty and the changes could have been getting lost
FIX: Copy/Paste a Localize component into a new GameObject will properly update the Target reference
FIX: If the WebService was set in a LanguageSource inside the scene and not in the I2Languages.prefab, Google Translate/Export/Import wasn't working.

2.6.8 b4

DEL: [i2auto] will not longer be used (if your spreadsheets have that, you should remove all [i2auto] texts and reimport to the LanguageSource)
DEL: Translations will not longer be marked as translated by google (this speed the import/export process)
NEW: Localize components will execute the Localization Callback even without a valid Translated Term.
NEW: When creating a term in the Localize component, the first language (e.g. English) will be auto-filled with the label's text

FIX: Compile errors when using an old version of TextMeshPro (requiring TextMeshPro_Pre53)
FIX: Texts for Right-To-Left languages containing multiple lines was showing extra lines when using \r\n for new lines
FIX: LanguageSource.Import_Google was not executing when Auto-Update was set to NEVER (even if ForceUpdate was true)

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Last edit: 8 years 4 months ago by Frank.
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8 years 1 month ago #1913 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
2.6.9 b1

NEW: LocalizedString
NEW: Changing .NET CurrentCulture when the language changes is now optional. Its disabled by default and can be enabled by adding an AutoChangeCultureInfo component to your first scene
NEW: Terms can now be set to <none> to avoid localizing it (e.g. Don't localize Label's text, but do localize Label's font)
NEW: Languages can now be disabled (useful for having data columns in the spreadsheet) Just add a $ in front of the language name in the Spreadsheet or uncheck the toggle in the LanguageSource

FIX: Event_OnSourceUpdateFromGoogle is now called with ReceivedNewData==false whenever the languagesource is up-to-date
FIX: Auto-detection of plugins was not working correctly for IOS
FIX: Removed warning "Unsupported encoding: 'UTF-8,text/plain'" that was happening when translating a text

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7 years 11 months ago - 7 years 9 months ago #2012 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
2.6.10 a3
NEW: PlayMaker support (Actions: Get/SetCurrentLangauge, SetNextLanguage, Get/SetTerm, GetTranslation)
NEW: Button next to the plurals tab to show if the DisabledLanguages should show the translation or should be hidden
NEW: Massive inspector speed improvement when Parsing terms, selecting a LanguageSource, etc
NEW: LocalizationManager.ApplyLocalizationParams now accepts a general GameObject instead of forcing a LocalizeCmp. This allows using LOCAL parameters without localize component
NEW: added options for parameters when calling ScriptLocalization.Get(term, true, 0, false, applyParameters:true, localParamsRoot:gameObject)
NEW: Clicking a Translation in the Localize component will now Preview that language in the entire UI
NEW: Added a button at the top of the Term's List in the LanguageSource to refresh the translation shown in the Scene (calls LocalizeAll(true))
NEW: Menu option to also call the LocalizeAll (Menu/I2/Localization/Refresh Translations). This is useful if the translation is changed and should be updated in several UI elements
NEW: LocalizationManager.GetTermsList() now can have a parameter to only show the terms of that category (e.g. .GetTermsList("Tutorial"))
NEW: LocalizationManager.HasLanguage(..) and .GetAllLanguages(..) now has optional parameter SkipDisabled to skip disabled languages. Default=true
NEW: Build ScriptLocalization.cs tool now has a button to select the terms previously built
FIX: Disabling a language will skip it when selecting the startup language
FIX: Selecting a different LanguageSource will not longer set the categories to None, instead it will revert to Everything
FIX: Now the Scene can preview the translation of disabled languages. Just click in the language name next to the Terms's description (localize component OR language Source)
FIX: Compile errors when building for Windows Phone or WSA
FIX: Generating the files for the Store Integration (Android, IOS) was also exporting the disabled languages
FIX: Alignment option for TextMeshPro now works with the latest TextMeshPro version (v1.0.55.52 Beta 3)
FIX: LocalizationManager.LocalizeAll is now internally handled at the end of the frame (using a coroutine) to handle multiple localization in the same frame and timing issues when start Playing
FIX: A term will no longer show as missing translation (yellow + italics) if the missing translation belongs to a disabled language
FIX: ResourceManager.CleanResourceCache will now only be called when a level is loaded to avoid frame rate spikes in the middle of the game
FIX: Added support for the new TextMeshPro (free version)

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Last edit: 7 years 9 months ago by Frank.
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