Languages Tab Translate button not working

7 years 2 weeks ago #2656 by jvincealo
The Translate button (translate all empty terms) is not working. I added a new language, Chinese (simplified), to my existing languages in w/c the terms were translated already, clicking the translate button to add Chinese (simplified) translations to my terms does nothing.

Clicking the Translate button still shows the text "Translating x..." above the Store Integration but nothing is translated

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7 years 1 week ago #2660 by jvincealo
Can i please have an update regarding my issue? Thanks

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7 years 1 week ago #2662 by Frank
I have been trying to reproduce you case, and found an issue that happens only in some Unity versions (the one with the www bug not handling redirects in POST calls) and when some of the texts have & and other symbols.

If thats your case, then you can fix it by replacing the line call to EscapeUriString by EscapeDataString in line 38 of the file

If that doesn't solve the issue for you, can you please, email me a copy of your I2Languages.prefab? That way I can try it myself and see what term is breaking the translation call.

Hope that helps,

PS. I also uploaded v2.8.2a3 to the beta folder that has this fix and a few others.

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7 years 1 week ago #2663 by jvincealo
I can't send you the prefab if you'll understand.
sb.length > 4000
Although commenting out this portion of the code, near the EscapeURI code, doesn't fix it, I think the problem has something to do with the limit of strings the translation can translate at a time? Instead of translating all the terms in one click, I tried translating the terms at around 2-3 categories at a time and importing, exporting and removing categories bit by bit, w/c successfully translated the terms. I also think it's not related to the number of terms because of my terms' varying number of strings that I had also observed.

I think a quick fix to this would be to bring back the translate button per Term's Language so that we will not inconveniently rely on the 'Translate All' button to fill missing translations. Not to mention pressing the Translate All button twice changes the translation of existing translations.


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7 years 1 week ago #2666 by Frank

I can't send you the prefab if you'll understand.

Sure, that would have helped me find exactly what the issue you are having is, but I understand.

Although commenting out this portion of the code

Commenting out that line most of times will break the translation url.
The main problem is that when translating large sources, I2L uses a POST call with all the data, but, in some unity versions there is bug where POST calls with redirects fail. In those unity versions, the plugin tries to fallback into using a GET call. But there is a limit in how many characters can have the call, thats why the line is there.
What will happen is that the translate call will translate as many elements as it fits in 1 call, and each subsequent call will fill the rest until all elements are translated.

pressing the Translate All button twice changes the translation of existing translations

I haven't seen this issue happening, I will double check right away and add a fix.

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