Failed to Resolve Arabic Support

8 years 5 months ago #1686 by actraiser

I am running Unity 5.4 f3 (latest stable). I just updated to i2 Localization 2.6.7 f5 and when I try to build (iOS on a Mac) it will abort the process with the following error:

AssemblyResolutionException: Failed to resolve assembly: 'ArabicSupport, Version=1.0.5079.40370, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
Mono.Cecil.BaseAssemblyResolver.Resolve (Mono.Cecil.AssemblyNameReference name, Mono.Cecil.ReaderParameters parameters)
Mono.Cecil.BaseAssemblyResolver.Resolve (Mono.Cecil.AssemblyNameReference name)
Mono.Cecil.DefaultAssemblyResolver.Resolve (Mono.Cecil.AssemblyNameReference name)

I don't use Arabic in my project by the way. Is there any hint how to deal with this message? Running the game in the Editor works fine by the way (including the translations).


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8 years 5 months ago #1687 by Frank
My bad, I set a new dll for the RTL conversion but seems that I didn't add all CPUs. I will correct that and reupload.

To fix the issue, select dll at Assets\I2\Localization\Dlls\RTLParser.dll

and in the inspector, enable all of the CPU types (x86, etc).

Hope that helps, and sorry for this!

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8 years 5 months ago #1688 by actraiser
Hi Frank, thank you for the quick response. I still get the error after setting the CPUs like in the attached screenshot. I can only check CPUs in the second tab by the way (Standalone Settings) and not in the iOS-Tab (which is the version I want to build). Any other idea or can you send me a build that you think will work?


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8 years 5 months ago #1689 by Frank
Can you try this: (sorry I can't do this myself now as I'm not in my computer until later today)

Can you delete the RTLParser.dll and RTLParser.dll.meta files
and copy the two files in this zip into the dll folder?

Hope that helps,

File Attachment:

File Name:
File Size:6 KB

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8 years 5 months ago #1691 by actraiser
Hello Frank,

replacing the files did work and the game compiles fine again! Thanks again for the incredible fast response!


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