Exporting to google spreadsheet

8 years 9 months ago #1470 by SimonAL

Using 2.6.5 f5

When Exporting data to Google SS i relized that some Terms were mixed up and corrupted.
I had a lot of groups, some of them were: Building, BuildingUI, BuildingUpgrades...

The terms in them were:

In the spredsheet i got terms like:

Easy to see now but hard to spot them between 2000 terms ;)

After some debugging I found out that you check the terms assigned to a group like this (LanguageSource_Export_CSV.cs):
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Category) || (Category==EmptyCategory && termData.Term.IndexOfAny(CategorySeparators)<0))
        Term = termData.Term;
	if (termData.Term.StartsWith(Category) && Category!=termData.Term)
		Term = termData.Term.Substring(Category.Length+1);
	continue;	// Term doesn't belong to this category

By using this check: if (termData.Term.StartsWith(Category) && Category!=termData.Term)
a mess happens because some groups starts with the same string... and we can see where the bug comes from...

I changed the script to: if (termData.Term.StartsWith(Category + @"/") && Category!=termData.Term)
and it works ok for now but I think this should be solved internally :)

Hope this helps. :blink:

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8 years 9 months ago #1475 by Frank
Good Catch!
I will add a fix for this issue!

Thanks a lot for looking into it!

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8 years 9 months ago #1477 by Frank
This fix plus a few others are now in 2.6.6a4 which can be downloaded from the beta folder.


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