Numbers and <brackets> scrambled by I2 Component

9 years 4 months ago #991 by ColtonH
I am posting this as a new topic, as it seems to be a unique problem for I2 Localization

I am having problems with the Localize Component scrambling the text of a Text component. (not GUI Text, but the new UI Text component in Unity)

Specifically, numbers are turned into random symbols and brackets ( < > ) are reversed. I am trying to implement Rich Text using I2 Localization so this completely destroys any tags I am entering.

In the inspector for my text object (containing a text component and a localize component) I can see the formatted rich text correctly in the localize component:

<size=40><b>Title 01</b></size>
<size=36>Name <i>object 56</i></size>

When I copy and paste this text directly into the text component it works perfectly, but when the localization script sets the text it scrambles the numbers and symbols giving me this:

>size=٤٠<>b<Title ٠١>/b<>/size<
>i<object ٥٦>/i<>/size< >size=٣٦<Name

I am using a basic font (HelveticaNeue-Light) and other fonts such as Arial have the same problem.

I am assuming this is a problem with I2Localize as directly copy and pasting the text works fine.

I have updated to the recent 2.6 version from the Asset Store but am still experiencing this problem.

Here is an example of numbers being scrambled without formatting:

Text in I2 Localization Component:

sample number: 56754

Text Set in Text Component:

٥٦٧٥٤ sample number:

This kind of seems like a big problem... I am surprised that there are not other topics with this issue-

Thanks for the help!

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9 years 4 months ago #992 by Frank
Sorry for the delay.
I have been hold up solving a couple support emails that have taken longer than expected. But I will check this up as soon as I get back.

Just to be sure: Which version of unity are you running (4.6, 5.1, 5.2?)


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9 years 4 months ago #993 by ColtonH
no problem, thanks for getting back to me on this!

I am using Unity 5.1.1 f1 (64 bit)

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9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #995 by Frank
I tried a few things but I was unable to reproduce your issue.

I created an example scene similar to the uGUI Localization scene.

And created a new term in the I2Languages.prefab.
Then I referenced that term in one Text (the unity new UI).

As you can see in the screenshot, the plugin was working as expected.

I also tried exporting the I2Languages.prefab to a CSV file and importing again.
Also, exporting/importing to a Google Spreadsheet.
In both tests I got the correct string.

Can you please send me a list of steps that make the bug happen for you?

Also, It looks like your string is been parsed for RTL. Is that happening for a RTL language or for English as well?
Try checking the Ignore Right To Left Language checkbox to see if that's the issue.


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Are you :-( Please lets us know how to improve it!
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Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by Frank.

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