I2 on uGUI not processing some Text values

9 years 4 months ago #982 by shahin
I use Unity 4.6 (uGUI) and I2 v.2.6.0f1 and some Text values not translated. i try various options, but to no purpose. Please help!

PS: Sorry for my bad english

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9 years 4 months ago #986 by Frank
Can you give me a bit more of details about what's happening. Or if you could send me a project or scene where I could reproduce the issue, I could help you setting it up asap.

In any case, things that could make text not update correctly:
- Are you translating in the I2Languages.prefab at the Resources folder (preferably method) or do you have other LanguageSources instantiated in your scene?
- Does the terms have a translation to the current language.
- Do you have activated the Normal vs Touch translations. And have some of them empty?
- Is there any script trying to access the Text.text variable?
- Do you have any Translation callback enabled?
- Are you dynamically changing the font in those labels? And does the font contains the characters needed to render that text for the language giving your issues?

Those are the most common issues. But again, if you can email me any example project that I could check, I will help you set it up.


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9 years 4 months ago #987 by ColtonH
Perhaps this is a related problem:

I am having problems with the Localize Component scrambling the text of a Text component. (not GUI Text, but the new UI Text component in Unity)

Specifically, numbers are turned into random symbols and brackets ( < > ) are reversed. I am trying to implement Rich Text using I2 Localization so this completely destroys any tags I am entering.

In the inspector for my text object (containing a text component and a localize component) I can see the formatted rich text correctly in the localize component:

<size=40><b>Title 01</b></size>
<size=36>Name <i>object 56</i></size>

When I copy and paste this text directly into the text component it works perfectly, but when the localization script sets the text it scrambles the numbers and symbols giving me this:

>size=٤٠<>b<Title ٠١>/b<>/size<
>i<object ٥٦>/i<>/size< >size=٣٦<Name

I am using a basic font (HelveticaNeue-Light) and other fonts such as Arial have the same problem.

I am assuming this is a problem with I2Localize as directly copy and pasting the text works fine.

I am using I2 Localization v 2.5.0 f1

Thanks for the help!

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9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #988 by shahin
Thanks for your answer. I solved this problem by removing Text component with my font and add new component with Arial font and standart settings.
Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by shahin.

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