Cant distinguish zh-TW and zh-CN

9 years 8 months ago #660 by hugobozzshih007
On iOS and Mac OSX
I set two language Simplified Chinese (zh-CN), and Traditional Chinese (zh-TW)
No matter what I set to my OS language, it will use the first language in order.
(if OS language is any Chinese, it will show the Simplified Chinese when Simplified Chinese is the first one in I2 setting)

I'm not sure if this is the problem on iOS or your plugin.
Please fix it.
If you cannot reproduce the bug. Please ping me asap.

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9 years 8 months ago #661 by hugobozzshih007
I think I found the bug.
If you are using Application.systemlanguage to get the Mac OS language
you always get "Chinese" only (no matter what kind of Chinese you set in Mac OSX or iOS)

So I think, the problem is still in your plugin.

Please fix it.

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9 years 8 months ago #662 by hugobozzshih007
I found the solution.........

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9 years 8 months ago #664 by Frank
Yes, the plugin uses the language returned by Unity's systemLanguage.

In the feature list for version 3 I scheduled to include code to modify the xcode/android project to get more accurate regions. But I have been focusing on the more requested features like plurals, touch/mouse devices differentiation and an easier setup for global terms.

I have those almost ready to be released and as soon as they get released, I will add code specialization to detect better the device language because on some platforms Unity doesn't detect the variant properly.

Nonetheless, if you found a simpler way, just let me know and I will include it in the plugin.


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9 years 8 months ago #666 by hugobozzshih007
My solution needs Xcode.
So i guess, it's not easy for you to integrate into the plugin.
In most situations, systemLanguage can solve this. But you know, Chinese is too complicate.
Still, hope that you can solve this problem.

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9 years 8 months ago #669 by Frank
Yes, we are talking about the same approach :-)
I added a build step to modify the xcode when building for IOS to access the os locales. But I have still to do the same for the other platforms.

As soon as I finish this next version I will do the same for android and the other os.


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