UnloadUnusedAssets causing a huge performance drop

3 years 8 months ago #4348 by alvaro_ribolli

I'm using the I2 Localize v 2.8.13 f2 and Unity 2019.4.19 f1.
My game doesn't have a loading scene between one level and another, every loading during gameplay is async. When a new scene is activated, i2 calls the function Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets() from ResourceManager.cs. This is causing a huge spike in the profiler tab and an fps drop.

I tested commenting that line and the spikes stop occurring, but after some levels and time playing, the game crashes for some reason.

Is there any workaround for this issue? To prevent these spikes and not crash the game?

Thanks in advance.
Álvaro Ribolli

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3 years 7 months ago #4380 by Frank
I'm about to release 2.8.15 which only calls Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets when the user requests it, as most of the time that's not needed.

Hope that helps,

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