overrideLanguage doesn't work on build

5 years 1 month ago - 5 years 1 month ago #4031 by SweatyChair
I wanted to get a term in other lanuage, I use:
I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("Game", overrideLanguage: "Japanese")

It's working fine in Editor, but not in an Android build, it returns the translation for CURRENT language.

Expected Output: 遊戯
Actual Output: Spiel (currently in Germany language)

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Last edit: 5 years 1 month ago by SweatyChair.

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5 years 1 month ago - 5 years 1 month ago #4032 by SweatyChair
After running some debug, I can find that the Languages in LanguageSource is empty except the current language:
var index = I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.Sources[0].GetLanguageIndex("Japanese");
print("japanese index=" + index);

var data = I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.Sources[0].GetTermData("Game");
print("data.Languages=" + StringUtils.ArrayToString(data.Languages));

var t = data.GetTranslation(index);
print("t=" + t);

Results in Editor:
japanese index=12
data.Languages=[Game,Juego,Jeu,Gioco,jogos,Spiel,oyun,Gra,Игра,гри,遊戲,游戏,ゲーム,경기,trò chơi,Тоглоом,laro,เกม]

Results in Android build:
japanese index=12

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Last edit: 5 years 1 month ago by SweatyChair.

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5 years 1 month ago #4033 by Frank
To save memory, I2 localization unloads the languages that are not in use, and loads them back when the current language is changed.
If you need to access some of the languages even if they are not the active language, then you need to set them to never unload. That can be done in the Languages tab of the Language source.

Hope that helps,

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5 years 1 month ago #4034 by SweatyChair
I see that means sense.

I just need 1 term so it seems not worth doing that, i may just hard code it for now.

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