macOS iOS tvOS bugs - unloading languages, fallbacks, RTL

5 years 2 months ago #4017 by nzgreg
hey Frank,

we're having a few issues with I2 Localization on macOS, iOS and tvOS. Are you aware of any problems related to unloading unused languages, fallbacks, and generally not being able to use RTL with rich tags and variables without using other RTL fixers (eg. ArabicFixer utils from Github)?

In the editor the unloading unused languages and fallbacks appear to work correctly, but deploying builds to iPhones and Macs seems to have problems when unloading unused languages and using fallbacks. On macOS, iOS, and tvOS our only solution in the end was to disable unloading unused languages or using fallbacks, else translations ended up missing or picking up other languages.

Initially I suspected perhaps some cache files were not able to be saved with codesigned or sandboxed apps, but I haven't traced all of the plugin language load/unload and fallback code to fully determine this or not.

Also, generally RTL (for Arabic) has issues with rich text and variable replacement. We're looking at using some RTL fixers and tweaks to try to work around things.

Are you aware of any issues with this stuff at the moment? If so, are any fixes on the horizon?


// greg

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5 years 2 months ago #4018 by Frank
I'm not aware of any current issue related to unloading languages in builds.
But what you are describing seems like it could be caused by the Google Live Synchronization.

If you enabled the Google Spreadsheets sync and set a frequency to anything other than NEVER (e.g. DAILY, WEEKLY, etc), then if you modify your local terms, you need to export to the spreadsheet before doing a build.
Otherwise, it happens that when you deploy to the device, the plugin will see that the spreadsheet doesn't match the terms in the editor, and it will download that spreadsheet and override your editor terms. This makes possible to modify translations after you deployed without having to submit a new build.
Downloading the spreadsheet only works in the builds and its disabled while in the Editor.

You can quickly test this by
- Either disabling Google Live Synchronization (set it to NEVER) or making sure the spreadsheet is up to date.
- Uninstall the game from the device to make sure all downloaded files are deleted
- Make a build and install it again.

Hope that helps,

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5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 1 month ago #4027 by nzgreg
hey Frank,

we're not using Google Live Sync at all so that's (hopefully) not causing us any issues.

I'll try to create a repro for it, but we experienced on iOS/tvOS/Mac that using the unload unused languages and using fallbacks seemed to cause problems. The only solution was to not unload languages and not to use fallbacks, so there were no blanks in the source spreadsheet / imported csv so no fallbacks were needed.

FYI we were using Unity 2019.2.15 and the latest public I2 Localization, developing on MacOS 10.14 and targeting iOS 13 and 10.15. Are there possibly issues with your data caching on some of these platforms with codesigned builds? (I haven't debugged any of this stuff yet but will if I get a chance.)

Also, using rich text seems to break Arabic / RTL. If there is rich text in the source or rich text in a prefix or suffix things are breaking in Text Mesh Pro fields for us. The tag ends up broken with the tag reversed and /or with < and > swapped around if we try to reverse things to counteract the other handling you're doing. Is rich text / tags being worked on at the moment?


// greg
Last edit: 5 years 1 month ago by nzgreg.

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