iOS devices detect Device Language Region

6 years 3 months ago #3317 by yuewah
Android devices now properly detect the Device Language Region (no longer using Unity's Application.SystemLanguage)

Is it possible that iOS devices also support device language region ?

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6 years 1 month ago #3474 by yuewah
any response to this feature request?

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6 years 1 month ago #3475 by Frank
Sorry for the delay, I have that almost ready, it now detects the language and region directly using the IOS functions, just need to convert the returned format/code into the one used by I2 Localization.
However, i have been overwhelmed with some urgent fixes I had to do and also with the release of the other assets.

But as soon as things get back to normal, I will finish up that code and upload a build with it.
Again, sorry the delay.

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Are you :-( Please lets us know how to improve it!
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6 years 1 month ago #3513 by studenman
This thread explains a solution that uses the free PreciseLocale plug-in.

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5 years 10 months ago #3690 by yuewah
which version include this get IOS language region ?

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4 years 4 months ago - 4 years 4 months ago #4173 by llopez
Hi there,

I found this issue still happens, tested with the last version updated on 10/05/2020.

  • Unity 2019.4.9f1
  • iOS 13.7
  • I2 Localization 2.8.13f1
  • Language: Spanish (Peru)
  • Region: Peru

I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.CurrentCulture returns "es-ES", "es-PE" expected
I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.CurrentLanguage returns "Spanish", as expected.
I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.CurrentRegion returns empty, "Peru" expected.
I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetCurrentDeviceLanguage() returns "Spanish", "Spanish (Peru) expected.

Localization variant es-PE doesn't work either, always returns de es-ES translation.

In Android all works fine.

Could you help us with this? Has anybody managed to fix it?

Last edit: 4 years 4 months ago by llopez.

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