OutOfRangeException generating term script

6 years 10 months ago #2921 by r.pedra
I try to generate ScriptLocalization.cs but every time I select all the terms and click "Build script with selected terms" it throws this error:
"IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array."

Here is the call stack:
IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at I2.Loc.LocalizationEditor.ScriptTool_AdjustTerm (System.String Term, System.Boolean allowFullLength) [0x00008] in /Users/romainpedra/Git/Airlines-Manager-2-Mobile_Unity_2017.3/Assets/I2/Localization/Scripts/Editor/Localization/LocalizationEditor_Tools_Script.cs:192
at I2.Loc.LocalizationEditor.BuildScriptWithSelectedTerms (System.Text.StringBuilder sb) [0x0005e] in /Users/romainpedra/Git/Airlines-Manager-2-Mobile_Unity_2017.3/Assets/I2/Localization/Scripts/Editor/Localization/LocalizationEditor_Tools_Script.cs:141
at I2.Loc.LocalizationEditor.BuildScriptWithSelectedTerms () [0x0007f] in /Users/romainpedra/Git/Airlines-Manager-2-Mobile_Unity_2017.3/Assets/I2/Localization/Scripts/Editor/Localization/LocalizationEditor_Tools_Script.cs:96
at (wrapper delegate-invoke) <Module>:invoke_void ()
at UnityEditor.EditorApplication.Internal_CallUpdateFunctions () [0x00010] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/EditorApplication.cs:127

(Filename: Assets/I2/Localization/Scripts/Editor/Localization/LocalizationEditor_Tools_Script.cs Line: 192)

Can you help us?

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6 years 10 months ago - 6 years 10 months ago #2922 by Frank
Thanks for reporting this. This issue is now fixed in 2.8.6a1 (will be uploading to the beta folder later today).

Also, the tool was modified to not only include the translations of the terms, but also variables containing the term name.
For example, If you have the term "Tutorials/Main Tutorial" translated as "Welcome back!"
var translation = ScriptLocalization.Tutorials.Main_Tutorial;   // returns "Welcome back!"

var termName = ScriptTerms.Tutorials.Main_Tutorial;   // returns "Tutorials/Main Tutorial"

That way you can set terms without using string constants:
label.GetComponent<Localize>().SetTerm( ScriptTerms.Tutorials.Main_Tutorial );

Hope that helps,

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Are you :-( Please lets us know how to improve it!
To get the betas as soon as they are ready, check this out
Last edit: 6 years 10 months ago by Frank.

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6 years 10 months ago #2923 by r.pedra
Thank you for your answer. Waiting for it to be in the main branch then

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