Localize directly from scripts

10 years 8 months ago #80 by crash
Thanks for quick reply.
I have to add namespace to make it work: I2.Loc.ScriptLocalization.Get(Term);

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10 years 7 months ago - 10 years 7 months ago #93 by stupid_n00b
I'm having a tough time getting any strings to come back from the ScriptLocalization function. For example, I have these in my string table:

I have this in my ScriptLocalization function (generated via the editor tool):
public static class ScriptLocalization
		public static string Get( string Term ) { return LocalizationManager.GetTermTranslation(Term); }

		public static string kLang_Buttons_Buy 		{ get{ return Get ("kLang_Buttons_Buy"); } }
		public static string kLang_Buttons_Cancel 		{ get{ return Get ("kLang_Buttons_Cancel"); } }


But both of these return empty (null) strings when used in code:
Debug.Log (ScriptLocalization.Get("kLang_Buttons_Buy"));
Debug.Log (ScriptLocalization.kLang_Buttons_Buy);

I'm probably missing a setting somewhere? I have the I2 folder in the root of my Assets directory.
Last edit: 10 years 7 months ago by stupid_n00b.

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10 years 7 months ago #94 by Frank
If those function return null it means that the term was not found in the loaded Language Sources.

Where are you storing your terms. Is it in a source inside the scene or in the I2Languages.prefab ?

Is the language set to any of the valid languages? (e.g. "English (United States)" and not just "English").

If you localize any other label/object using the Localize component and not changing the localization from the script, does it localize fine with those same terms?

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10 years 7 months ago #95 by stupid_n00b
It looks like it works if I have a label with a Localize script attached to it active in the scene before I call it anywhere from code, so yes, it wasn't initializing the language. That's a fine workaround for what I needed. Thanks!

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