BUG - Arabic Text - Max Line Length Breaks Rich Text Tags

3 years 8 months ago #4333 by nindim
NOTE: I turned off Adjust Alignment for these test as the rich text tags break in other ways with that enabled: inter-illusion.com/forum/i2-localization...reaks-rich-text-tags


When using the "Max Line Length "option it can add line breaks which break rich text tags.

Example string:

<b>ضاعف XP</b>
من خلال مشاهدة شريط فيديو قصير

Broken Result with Max Line Length: 10

Expected Result with Max Line Length: 11

I would expect only visible characters to be taken into consideration for the Max Line Length and for formtting to remain intact.

Thank you!

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3 years 8 months ago #4352 by flors
I'm working with arabic and I can't have it working using spreadsheets any advice for implementing arabic translation??

I'll appreciate your help!

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