
SmartEdge Effect ›› Rendering ››
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Glow Properties

Enabling this effect, adds a glow to the shape border. It can add Inner, Outer and Edge glow and this can be combined with a texture to add further detail.


The Color of the Glow effect.


Intensity is multiplied by the Glow's Color to attenuate it or make it more bright.


When offset is 0, the glow starts at the shape's border. Lower values push the glow to the inside while higher values make the glow start some pixels outside the shape.


The glow effect will be positioned relative to the shape. This value adds an offset to the glows location.


Higher values make the glow fade abruptly, while lower values increase the falloff, concentrating the glow near the shape.

Fading Properties

Inner Width

The width of the fading toward the shape's center

Outer Width

The width of the outside glowing.

Edge Width

In between the Inner and Outer glow, there is a region where the glow has full intensity, this defines how wide is that region


This section allows multiplying a texture by the Glow. Which creates detailed glow fading, rays, dirty bloom effects, etc.

Once a texture is selected, the UV mapping, scale, offset and angle can be controlled to further tweak the look of the effect. Here you can find how the UV Mapping parameters work.

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