Release Notes

9 years 10 months ago - 8 years 2 months ago #530 by Frank
Release Notes was created by Frank
NEW: First beta
NEW: Button for stop and reset animations
NEW: Several Animation and Render Presets
NEW: Pixel Perfect demo scene
NEW: Shadow offset is now relative to the Font Size
NEW: Demo3 Batching
NEW: BestFit is now way faster as it detects when nothing changes and has a custom path for SmartEdge objects
FIX: Adding an Animation Sequence will update its time and show the correct time bar
FIX: Removed Array Overflow errors when Adding/Deleting sequences
FIX: Dragging Sequences should now behave as expected
FIX: New system for saving RenderPresets
FIX: Shaders were failing on some lower Android Devices
FIX: Creating or Clonning an animation can be canceled
FIX: Deleting an animation no longer requires clicking the delete button twice
FIX: Reseting a Render Preset after creating a Custom one, was not updating the material

1.0.0 b6
NEW: SmartEdge is now compatible with Unity 5.0+
FIX: When selecting an SE_Animation, the playback buttons are now disabled (only enabled when in the SmartEngine inspector)
FIX: Rearranging animation sequence was giving errors when the animation GUI was not the SmartEdge inspector
FIX: Shader errors in earlier version of unity (5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3)
FIX: BestFit was failing to update the first time it ran

1.0.0 b7
NEW: SDF FontMaker now shows how many characters are going to be generated (right-bottom side)
NEW: Changing the atlas size in the font maker will automatically adjust the font size
NEW: SDF Font Maker now has a section showing the Missing Characters (characters not defined in the ttf font)
NEW: SDF Font Maker now supports Fallback Fonts in case the main font doesn't have all requested Characters
NEW: Manually setting the fontSize in the Font Maker, changes the Atlas style to "Use FontSize"
FIX: Removed runtime warning regarding deformation out of bound when Unity UI sends degenerated quads
FIX: Darken regions inside the characters because of precision errors when computing the surface gradients
FIX: Changed SmartEdge warning message when using a non SDF font, to say the name of the font, instead of the font's texture name
FIX: Material Cache Window was not showing some colors when their values wheren't default ones
FIX: _MainTex_TexelSize is now forced to the correct values to avoid issues in unity version that have a bug about that (e.g. 5.3.3p2)
FIX: Creating shadow of thin polygons was creating wrong positions
FIX: SDF FontMaker, changing the character ranges (UpperCase, etc) updates the characters even if the TextField is selected
FIX: Generating an SDF font with a font that doesn't support all requested characters was crashing unity
FIX: SDF font generation can now render characters with unicode value higher than 0xffff
FIX: SDF FontMaker was generating some characters inverted
FIX: Font Maker was failing when creating a new font (worked when saving the font for the second time)
FIX: Font Maker was not filling the atlas correctly when the font had missing characters
FIX: Compatible with I2 Localization
FIX: Error when dragging preset: NullReferenceException: SerializedObject of SerializedProperty has been Disposed
FIX: Shadow Inspector was been cropped by the scrollbar on the right

1.0.0 b8
NEW: [FontMaker] Duplicated characters in "Characters To Include" are now ignored
NEW: [FontMaker] Button ("From Font") to get all the characters, spread and atlas size from a previously built font
NEW: BestFit now has a _FittingRange to help fighting shaking when the text changes constantly with characters of different heights
NEW: Added _OnlyOnEnable to BestFit to do the scaling only once
NEW: Added Extra Softness parameters to the face("Color"). Now, Softness controls number of pixels and Extra Softness adds a constant to that
FIX: [FontMaker] TextField of Missing Characters is now expanded to make the characters fit
FIX: [FontMaker] TextField of Missing Characters can now be copied/pasted
FIX: [FontMaker] Now correctly shows SDF instead of RasterSDF when saving an SDF font generated using Raster
FIX: Shader error when building for PC
FIX: Faster generation of Deformed+Subdivided text or Subdivided Shadows (removed lag by doing less Allocations).
FIX: Softness/Spreading is now correctly updated when switching fonts
FIX: Improved softness blending when using an effect with Outline but with the Color section dissabled
FIX: Improved Character border detection, now increasing the width of edge/glow/face will not turn the character into a square

1.0.0 b9
NEW: Compatibility with Unity 5.5
NEW: [FontMaker] Now also shows the missing characters unicode number for easy detecting the ranges
NEW: [FontMaker] Ranges can now be added using "first,last". e.g. "0x600,U+6FF" for Arabic
NEW: [FontMaker] Replaced Custom Ranges UI with a more unified one
FIX: When Shadow was set to "Simple" the border of characters were not correctly anti-aliased
FIX: When Glow was set to "Simple" the inside of the character was not affected by Edge and Inner Glow
FIX: Compile errors for NGUI
FIX: Compile warning for deprecated CharacterInfo variables in Unity 5.0-5.2
FIX: Wrong vertical offset on saved fonts (if you generated have some fonts, those need to be re-generated)
FIX: Updated NGUI example, shaders and Fonts

1.0.0 b10
NEW: In the Animations list, there is now a popup that helps select any animation in I2/SmartEdge/Presets/Animations/
NEW: Multiple SmartEdge components can be selected an edited at the same time.
NEW: Unity UI fonts are saved as Name_SDF while NGUI are now saved as Name_NGUI_SDF to better identify them
NEW: Added warning when the font's material is invalid or lost its texture (happens sometimes when downgrading from some Unity versions)
FIX: NGUI vertical alignment (any font already created in your project, needs to be re-created)
FIX: NGUI shaders now work with the Panel Clipping options
FIX: Reduced build time required to create all shader variants
FIX: [FontMaker] Updated Arabic and Hebrew custom ranges to include main characters and ligatures

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Last edit: 8 years 2 months ago by Frank.

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8 years 1 month ago #1912 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
NEW: SmartEdge component can now be used without SDF/MSDF/MSDFA fonts. In that case only TRANSFORM and ANIMATION can be used
NEW: [Deformation] The deform effect was replaced by a FreeTransform that allows moving the spline vertices and tangents

NEW: TextMeshPro support, where the Animations and Deform sections can be used, while still using the TextMeshPro font and shaders
NEW: [NGUI] No longer needs Normal and Tangent vectors. This reduces the bandwidth and improves performance
NEW: [NGUI]Updated to NGUI 3.10.2
FIX: [Animation] Changing the Animation by using the Popup or the Preset's ObjectField now hides the old anim and shows the new one
FIX: [Animation] Using the same preset in different Objects will not animate them at the same time
FIX: Invisible/Invalid characters are now discarded (this allows animating texts with tags)
FIX: Re-compiling was making Reflective elements look opaque until something change so that the material get updated.
FIX: Wrong offset in fonts generated in Unity 5.2 or older

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8 years 1 month ago #1963 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
1.0.0 b13
NEW: Demo6 showing how to modify RenderPreset, Animations and Parameters at runtime
NEW: Added a message in the Image SDF inspector to show guidelines on how to improve the quality of the generated SDF
NEW: Exposed function to Play/Stop animations
DEL: Marked the Image SDF inspector to show that the Layered SDF asset feature is not fully enabled and is still in PREVIEW
FIX: Force Gradient class to use the UnityEngine.Gradient as other plugins are using that same name

1.0.0 b14
NEW: Outline Layer allows placing the outline in a layer behind the face so that bigger outlines don't overlap the characters
FIX: Random crash when generating MSDFA fonts
FIX: Generating a font where all characters were missing was silently failing
FIX: Added an scrollbar to the Font Editor when the window size is too small
FIX: Deleting an animation was not selecting the other animation and was not possible to edit it
FIX: Errors regarding the "_Stencil" when the text component has a Material assigned in the inspector

1.0.0 b15
NEW: Deformation now has a BestFit section (removed BestFit and BestFitText components)
FIX: Face color was multiplied by the Text's color twice
FIX: Adding or changing the first animation slot was not loading the animation
FIX: The button "Custom" preset was not creating a copy of the preset's render params

1.0.0 b16
NEW: Support for .ttf and .otf font files
NEW: More Presets: Border, Gradient and Flat Gradient

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8 years 3 weeks ago #1965 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
1.0.0 b17
NEW: Added a warning when BestFit is used and the text is set to Truncate (also added a "Fix" button)
NEW: Deformation effect SPACING with custom Kernel and constant Spacing
NEW: AboutWindow will never open automatically, instead there will be an small warning next to the version number
FIX: Setting an Image or RawImage component to use the "none" texture will no longer override the Default's mainTexture (white)
FIX: Material Cache Window was not showing SDF materials whey no other keyword was set

1.0.0 b18
NEW: Deformation effect SPACING for NGUI
FIX: Selecting a Sequence inside an AnimationPreset was not updating
FIX: Closing an animation was causing an error
FIX: Assigning a font to an smartEdge text will not longer be forced to 150 of font size

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8 years 3 weeks ago - 8 years 2 weeks ago #1978 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
1.0.0 f1
NEW: Initial Release

1.0.0 f2
NEW: Skipped rendering and processing when widget alpha is 0
FIX: Deform SPACING now works with Unity 5.0-5.3
FIX: When Outline layer is set to BACK, the outline color was leaking
FIX: InnerShadow was creating a black outline
FIX: Compile errors when building for Windows Store

1.0.0 f3
FIX: Using Subdivisions in the Deform will not longer mess up the Outline and Glow layers
FIX: BestFit will now work correctly in NGUI and TextMeshPro when using alignments other than TopLeft
FIX: Removed error when BestFit is used without fitWidth or fitHeight
FIX: Using BestFit and Spacing made the text go outside of the bounds
FIX: Spacing will now respect the vertical and horizontal alignments

1.0.0 f4
NEW: Animation sequence can now randomize the START and DURATION of each character's action
NEW: Random values are now determistic, which lowers the memory needed for reproducing the Animation in Editor
FIX: Deformations are skipped if there are no valid parameters (e.g. skip Spacing if all the spacings are 0)
FIX: Cloning an Animation fromm a preset was not copying the sequences
FIX: UI.Text bestfit can now be enabled when not using any SDF Format (otherwise, it fallbacks to the deformation BestFit)

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Last edit: 8 years 2 weeks ago by Frank.

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8 years 1 week ago - 8 years 1 week ago #2004 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Release Notes
1.0.0 f5
NEW: Added a new main tab ("Text") that contains all settings related to Text (Spacing, Wrapping, RichText, etc)
NEW: Spacing effect now has a parameter to control the marging of the first line in a paragraph
NEW: When creating a Kerning pair, if the "Prev Chr" is left empty, it will match any character (e.g. prev:empty, next:e, matches every 'e')
NEW: Added section "Text Wrapping" with controls of overflowing, wrapping, justification and paged texts
NEW: Enabling TextWrapping will disable the Alignment and overflow buttons of the text, the one in the new section will be used instead
FIX: Shaders were failing in Windows Phone

1.0.1 b1
NEW: The most common shaders are now 30% faster
FIX: A CanvasGroups with alpha, now fades all elements correctly
FIX: When outline was enabled and its color's alpha was 0, it was showing as fully opaque
FIX: Shaders can now compile in lower OpenGL targets

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Last edit: 8 years 1 week ago by Frank.

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