Problems with update to latest version

10 years 9 months ago #62 by hex
I updated to the latest version (delete old folder, download new version) and I get this errors in the console. I am using I2 Localization with NGUI.

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10 years 9 months ago #66 by Frank
It seems that the version NGUI released last sunday (3.5.8) changed the NGUI Localization to be an static class.

The function you are having problem is the one that converts NGUI into I2. Given that NGUI now prefers using csv file instead of separated txt files, I have to reshape that function.
I2 Localization is changing as well its internal structure so I will convert the function right after I2 gets ready.

In the mean time, you could comment out the part that converts the Localization components from NGUI to I2. The function will still convert all the UILocalize into I2 Localize.

Here is the function.
#if NGUI
		[MenuItem( "Tools/I2 Localization/Convert from NGUI", false, 1 )]
		public static void ConvertNGUI_to_I2()
			UILocalize[] locals = (UILocalize[])Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(UILocalize));
			for (int i=0, imax=locals.Length; i<imax; ++i)
				UILocalize local = locals[i];
				GameObject GO = local.gameObject;
				if (!GUITools.ObjectExistInScene (GO))

				Localize NewLocal = GO.AddComponent<Localize>();
				NewLocal.Term = local.key;
				Object.DestroyImmediate( local );

			/*Localization[] NGUILocalizations = (Localization[])Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Localization));
			for (int i=0, imax=NGUILocalizations.Length; i<imax; ++i)
				if (GUITools.ObjectExistInScene (NGUILocalizations[i].gameObject))
					Localization NGUILocalization = NGUILocalizations[i];
					LanguageSource I2Source = NGUILocalization.gameObject.AddComponent<LanguageSource>();

					for (int j=0, jmax=NGUILocalization.languages.Length; j<jmax; ++j)
						I2Source.AddLanguage( NGUILocalization.languages[j].name, string.Empty, NGUILocalization.languages[j] );

					Object.DestroyImmediate( NGUILocalization );

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10 years 9 months ago - 10 years 9 months ago #71 by nilton_felicio
Also was having the same problem. Glad I found this forum. Incidentally great tool your congratulations. Thank you. :) This amendment will have problems in using Ngui and I2 Localization? :dry:
Last edit: 10 years 9 months ago by nilton_felicio.

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10 years 9 months ago #72 by Frank
When you are using the I2 Localization there is no need for using NGUI build-in localization, so the changes in the ConvertNGUI_to_I2 function will not affect the project.

However, if you have a project setup with the NGUI localization, it will not bring all the terms to the I2 Localization Language Sources. But it will convert all UILocalize into Localize components. The only extra step needed is to import the NGUI CSV manually into the I2 Language Source and the project will port just fine.

BTW, I'm glad you like the plugin! Let me know if you find any issue.

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