Changing Categories

10 years 3 months ago #327 by dchau_hh
Changing Categories was created by dchau_hh
Hi Frank,

I'd like to start using Categories to organize the terms in our game. However, I seem to lose the text content when I change the Category of an existing Term.

The repro steps are:
- Create a new project
- Import I2 V2.3.0
- Add a Language
- Add a Term with the Key and Text
- Click on Change Category button
- Enter a new Category name and click on the Create button

The Term now shows the error: Key '<category/key>' is not Localized or it is in a different Language Source

Attachment Category.jpg not found


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10 years 3 months ago #329 by Frank
Replied by Frank on topic Changing Categories
Thanks for detecting that issue. As part of version 2.3.0 the sources keeps a secondary dictionary for speeding the localization. That tool wasn't updating the dictionary after changing the terms.

The Terms were changed to the new category but the editor was not able to locale them on the dictionary. However, if the project is reopened, it will show the term in the correct category.

I added the fix to version 2.3.1.

To fix on 2.3.0, just open the file Assets\I2\Localization\Editor\Localization\LocalizationEditor_Tools_Categorize.cs
and add LocalizationEditorDB.mLanguageSource.UpdateDictionary(); at line 161 so that it looks like:
			ExecuteActionOnSelectedScenes( ReplaceTermsInCurrentScene );

Thanks for reporting that bug and please, let me know if you find any other issue.

Are you :-) Give I2L 5 stars!
Are you :-( Please lets us know how to improve it!
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