I2 Localization with TextMeshPro (in unity 4.6)

10 years 1 month ago #303 by goodev1015
in unity4.6 TextMeshPro (0.1.46-Beta) is supporting uGUI

then TextMeshPro changed TextMeshProUGUI (new script)

but I2 Localization 2.3.0 is not support TextMeshProUGUI..

How can I fixed this problem. I want to target new TextMeshProUGUI

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10 years 1 month ago #304 by Frank

Thanks for reporting that change!

Attached you can find a patch that adds supports for TextMeshProUGUI components.

I will this patch to the next version as well


Attachment I2LocalizationTMProUGUI.zip not found

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