
SmartEdge Effect ›› Transform ››
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Deformation Properties

This section allows you to modify the geometry of the shape.

It uses four Curves to define how the vertices are going to be deformed on each of the sides.

There is Top, Bottom, Left and Right curve.


This mode only modifies the Top and Bottom curves by pushing/pulling the center or borders.

It has a Top and a Bottom slider defining how much the Top and Bottom curves are going to be moved.

Also, there are buttons for linking the two sliders. So that they get the same or inverted values.


This modifies the Left and Right curves by pushing the upper/bottom vertices to the sides.

As with the Top-Bottom, the control sliders can be linked together. So that modifying one slider will adjust the other as well. And when linked, they can also be inverted.


(These option was temporally disabled in the current version, it will be re-enabled in one of the next ones, as part of the next group of deformation features)

This mode deforms the shape by using a Sin wave.

By modifying the range value, any section of the wave can be used to push up/down the vertices.

Size will define how much the vertices are pushed. The wave values go from [-1..1] and Size is multiplied by that wave value to get the real offset to be applied to each of the vertices.


(These option was temporally disabled in the current version, it will be re-enabled in one of the next ones, as part of the next group of deformation features)

The spherical mode wrap the vertices into a circumference.

The radius of the circle can be set as well as the angle at which the shape will start.

Also, there is a Roundness value that enables or disable the spherical effect while also allowing to do smooth transitions between those states.


When the polygons are deformed the UV mapping can show artifacts and distortions. This issues can be reduced by further subdivided the polygons. 1x will make divide the polygon vertical and horizontal, 2x will make two subdivisions, etc.

* A better subdivision method is in the roadmap that instead of making even subdivisions, will estimate where the major distortions are and correct those points automatically.

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