public class MiniGame_Controller : MonoBehaviour
This Class implements the flow and monetization logic for all MiniGames
It provides some free rounds and then allow paying for extra chances and purchasing currency if there is not enough.
MiniGame _Game |
Game this controllers manages |
bool _StartGameOnEnable |
If true, the game will be initialized when this object is enabled |
float _TimeBeforeStartRound |
This delay can be used to start the round after some effects/sounds are finished |
Events to hide/show labels and update texts |
UnityEvent _OnStartPlaying |
Show/Hide objects for the initial state, execute the entrance effect and call OnReadyForNextRound right after it finishes |
UnityEvent _OnRoundStarted |
UnityEvent _OnGameOver |
Free Rounds |
int _InitialFreeRounds |
How many rounds are allowed without having to pay for them |
string _FreeRoundsLabelFormat |
Format of the label showing how many free chances are available. (e.g. Select {0} boxes) {0} is replaced by the number of free rounds |
UnityEventString _OnUpdateFreeRounds |
Shows the Free Round button and updates the label's text following the _FreeRoundsLabelFormat |
Purchasable Rounds |
string _CostLabelFormat |
Format of the label showing the cost of selecting a new slot (e.g. {0} coins to open a box) {0} is replaced with the cost. And it follows the equation: cost = InitialCost + ExtraCost * NumPurchases |
int _InitialRoundCost |
(Default: 10) How much cost the first round after the free ones are over |
int _ExtraCostPerRound |
(Default: 5) How much to increase the cost of the following rounds |
UnityEventString _OnUpdateRoundCost |
Hides the Free Round button, shows the Buy Chance |
Currency |
UnityEvent _OnShouldBuyCurrency |
Open the popup to buy currency and when finished calls ValidateRound again or DenyRound |
UnityEventCurrency _OnConsumeCurrency |
Consume currency and returns the result using the supplied callback |
int mNumFreeRounds |
Remaining free tries |
int mNumPayedRounds |
Number of times the players has bought a spin |
bool mIsPlaying |
it's true whenever the game is initialized and it's possible to play another round |
int CurrencyAmount |
Fake Currency (this is used only for the demo, when used in a game, the _OnConsumeCurrency event should be redirect to the game's resource to decrease the currency and call OnConsumeCurrencyResult with true/false depending on whatever there was enough currency available |
void StartGame() |
Initializes the game and starts the first round |
void ResetGame() |
Restarts the game from the beginning |
void OnReadyForNextRound() |
Execute _OnGameOver, _OnUpdateFreeRounds or _OnUpdateRoundCost based on game state |
void ValidateRound() |
Checks if there are free rounds or enough currency to buy a new round. If so, it calls AllowRound, otherwise it shows the BuyCurrency popup or denies the round |
void OnConsumeCurrencyResult(bool Success) |
This should be called after the ValidateRound tried to buy currency, If there are not enough available the BuyCurrency popup is executed |
void AllowRound() |
After the round is validated, this function continues the game flow to play another round (PrizeWheel: spins the wheel, etc) |
void DenyRound() |
The round validation failed, so this function stops the current play attempt |
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