Global Settings

Inside the Resources folder, there is an asset named I2ParallaxSettings. It contains the global settings for the plugin.

Enabling Gyro will make make the parallax effect to move when there Gyroscope or Accelerometer is available (When on a mobile device or when linked to the Unity Remote). That way as you tilt the device, the different layers will move accordingly.

When Mouse is enabled, the movement will use the mouse position on the screen. This will only be used, if the Gyroscope/Accelerometer is not available. That way, enabling both checkboxes, will make the game use the gyro when deployed to a device, but use the mouse when in the editor or deployed to a WebGL/PC build.

The gyroscope settings can be further adjusting to account for the sensitivity (how far the parallax will move when the device is rotated).

Auto Recenter

The parallax effect normally works but displacing the different layers depending on the device rotation. However, players holding a device in their hands and usually moving and rotating. If the Parallax effect is enabled, and player moves and faces a different direction, the effect will show always rotated to that direction.

To solve this issue, the plugin supports Auto-Re-centering. This allows the effect to return to normal, if the player is facing a direction and not moving for some time. That will account for the player changing their location and the plugin will adjust itself to the new orientation.

This adjustment can be activated by enabling the Auto-Recenter checkbox.

Then, adjusting the Min Move which defines how much the device can be moved and still considered as if its in rest. This is to accounting for subtle hands movements, regular breathing, etc.

Delay will define how much time after the device stops moving before starting re-centering. And finally Damping sets how fast or smooth the effect rotates into the new orientation.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Full-featured EPub generator