This value drive the spinning effect.
Center On Element |
If true, when the wheel stops it will stop in the center of a reward. |
Rotate Selector |
Either rotates the Selector or rotate the Wheel while keeping the selector fixed. |
Rotation Min Cycles |
Amount of times the wheel will do a full rotation before stopping. Num_Rotations = Random( Min_Cycles, Max_Cycles ) |
Rotation Max Cycles |
Rotation Min Time |
How long will it take for the wheel to stop Total_Spin_time = Random( Min_Time, Max_Time ) |
Rotation Max Time |
Friction |
When 0, the rotation will use a linear approach where it keeps a constant velocity. As this value gets higher, the rotation speed is slowly decreased until it stops. This creates an EasyOut effect. Actually there is a fake small EasyIn, so the actual movement happens using an EasyInOut, where the In and Out have different weights. |
On Start Spinning |
Callback invoked when the wheel start spinning. Can be used for effects and triggering other custom game logic. |
On Finish Spinning |
Callback to spawn effects and sounds when the wheel stops |
Time Collect Reward |
How long to wait once the wheel stops to show the reward. This can be used to wait for sounds or effects to finish. |
Time New Round |
How long to wait before allowing the wheel to be spun again |
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