Integrating NGUI maybe a bit more involved that integrating TextMeshPro or uGUI.

The major problem is that by default NGUI is installed in the Assets Folder, but I2 Text Animations goes by default to the Plugins folder. Having it in plugins folder, allows for faster rebuilds of your game, given that the code for the plugin only gets builds if you add a new plugin, and not with every single change to your game.

However, because I2 Text Animation and NGUI are not both in the Plugins folder, then, the integration code will not be able to find the NGUI classes.

To solve this issue, either move NGUI to the Plugins folder, or move the I2 folder to the Assets folder.

Once they both are in the same location, just add I2_NGUI to the Scripting Define Symbols

This can be done by selecting the menu Edit \ Project Settings \ Player

And then add I2_NGUI in the Scripting Define Symbols

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